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The new album is HERE!

Brad Brock's Once Upon A Bottle of Rum

Hi, Friends! I just wanted to talk a little bit about my new album, Once Upon A Bottle of Rum, which was released to the world today! This record is so special to me in a lot of ways. I really wanted to pay a proper tribute to my trop rock influences, my experiences out at sea, and the incredible and dynamic people who've come into (and gone from) my life over the years. The record is acoustically driven and permeated with tropical vibes, Fla-ribbean soul, and is peppered with some really special singer/songwriter tunes. I know it's been a long time between albums (the last one was Songs About You (and Every Other Girl) in 2014!), but I think I really needed the time to kind of rebuild my life after my life on ships, the passing of my mother, meeting an amazing girl, and developing and performing a show that I love and believe in. Thank you all for the amazing support and allowing me to create music and be an entertainer for a living. It's all because of you.

"Any good tale I have that's worth being told starting with something in Silver or Gold. There are some things that can't be undone. It all happened Once Upon A Bottle of Rum..."

Brad Brock's Once Upon A Bottle of Rum is available on Google Play, iTunes,, and on

Stream the album on Spotify & iHeart Radio

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